Naturally Made by N&M


Hey there, I'm Madeline, the passionate creator behind Naturally Made by N&M!

Picture this: A journey filled with twists, turns and challenges that would have made most people give up. But I refused to give up. My story begins nearly a decade ago when I faced an astonishing diagnosis - perimenopause at the age of 20!

My body was screaming for help. I was hormonally and mineral-deficient and my endocrine system was on the brink of shutdown. But here's the thing, I refused to settle for a quick-fix pill. I knew deep down that tackling the root cause was the only way forward.

So, I embarked on a transformational lifestyle journey, turning my life upside down to support my ailing body. It felt like my hormones were under siege from a hundred different angles, including those sneaky endocrine disruptors lurking in my beauty products!

That's when the spark of inspiration hit me! I decided to take matters into my own hands and started crafting my own body products (because I LOVE good smelling lotions!). Now, let me tell you, it wasn't an overnight miracle. I was fiercely determined to create products that not only shielded me from endocrine disruptors but were also gentle enough for my super-sensitive, acne-prone, and rash-prone skin.

I've poured countless hours into perfecting a product line that can provide peace of mind to anyone on a mission to reduce toxin exposure and optimize their hormones. Naturally Made is like that missing puzzle piece that can help you unlock your ultimate look and feel your very best!

So, a heartfelt thanks for being a part of my journey and supporting my small business and dream. Together, we're on the path to a naturally radiant and healthier you!